Panama: Financial Sector Assessment Program - Technical Note on Financial Safety Net, Resolution, and Crisis Management

Key institutional pillars of a financial safety net have not been established in Panama.
Volume/Issue: Volume 2024 Issue 235
Publication date: July 2024
ISBN: 9798400284830
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Banks and Banking , Finance , IMF-World Bank Financial Sector Assessment Program , Banco Nacional de Panamá , FSAP assessment's finding , staff team of the International Monetary Fund , deposit insurance system , Bank resolution framework , Bank resolution , Crisis resolution , Crisis management , Financial sector stability , Global , Central America


Key institutional pillars of a financial safety net have not been established in Panama. While state-owned banks benefit from an explicit government guarantee, Panama does not possess a deposit insurance framework, lender-of-last resort (LOLR) or emergency liquidity assistance (ELA)mechanism to preserve financial stability. Panama, as a fully dollarized economy with no central bank, faces constraints on its development of key components of the financial safety net which will need to be overcome.