Bangladesh: Technical Assistance Report-Ministry of Finance Macroeconomic Framework Technical Assistance: Scoping Mission Report

Bangladesh: Technical Assistance Report-Ministry of Finance Macroeconomic Framework Technical Assistance: Scoping Mission Report
Volume/Issue: Volume 2024 Issue 047
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Exports and Imports , Economics- Macroeconomics , Money and Monetary Policy , Public Finance , International - Economics , MOF Finance Division , IMF mission team , MEW staff , staff cohort , MOF cooperation , Macro-fiscal framework , Budget planning and preparation , Debt sustainability analysis , Budget execution and treasury management , Global


This technical assistance (TA) report presents the outcomes of the scoping mission of a new TA project aimed at building capacity in macroeconomic forecasting and policy analysis in the Finance Division (FD) of the Bangladesh Ministry of Finance (MoF). The FD has sought Macroeconomic Framework Technical Assistance from ICD and SARTTAC to support them in enhancing their Medium-term Macroeconomic Framework. A scoping mission was held in Dhaka in January 2023 to diagnose the FD’s current forecasting and policy analysis systems and to agree on a multi-year action plan. The project action plan is centered around the customization of the Macroframework Foundations Tool (MFT), which will support the FD in overcoming limitations in their current approach.