Peru: 2024 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Peru

Peru: 2024 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for Peru
Volume/Issue: Volume 2024 Issue 133
Publication date: May 2024
ISBN: 9798400276514
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Inflation , Economics- Macroeconomics , Money and Monetary Policy , Public Finance , Taxation - General , International - Economics , staff baseline projection , staff appraisal , authorities' fiscal consolidation path , World Bank Group lending , budget projection , Public sector , Credit , Currencies , Global


The economy is recovering after consecutive climate-related shocks as well as social turmoil at the beginning of 2023. Inflation has receded due to the central bank’s decisive monetary policy tightening, while the fiscal position and financial system remain strong. The country is in a period of relative political stability, but lingering political uncertainty is denting the appetite for the reforms needed to boost potential growth.