South Africa: Technical Assistance Report-Report on Government Finance Statistics Mission (July 31–August 11, 2023)

South Africa: Technical Assistance Report-Report on Government Finance Statistics Mission (July 31–August 11, 2023)
Volume/Issue: Volume 2024 Issue 013
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Money and Monetary Policy , International - Economics , Government Finance Statistics , Public Sector Debt Statistics , Expenditure , Public Sector


This technical assistance (TA) mission on Government Finance Statistics (GFS) mission was conducted during July 31-August 11, 2023. The main purpose of the mission was to provide structured training on GFS to the South African Reserve Bank, National Treasury and State Statistical Offices, as well as provide further technical assistance to strengthen the compilation and dissemination of GFS in line with international standards set out in the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014).