WEO Sampler: 10 Hotly Debated Issues on CD-ROM

The World Economic Outlook (WEO) presents the IMF's leading economists' analyses of global economic developments during the near and medium term. It is a one-stop, trusted resource offering remarkable insight, balance, and perspective. This CD includes 10 features from recent editions of the WEO. - Rising Car Ownership in Emerging Economies: Implications for Climate Change (APR 2008) - Is There a Credit Crunch? (APR 2008) - Depreciation of the U.S. Dollar: Causes and Consequences (APR 2008) - When Does Fiscal Stimulus Work? (APR 2008) - What Is Global Liquidity? (OCT 2007) - Making the Most of Biofuels (OCT 2007) - Refinery Bottlenecks (OCT 2007) - Emigration and Trade: How Do They Affect Developing Countries? (APR 2007) - Does Financial Investment Affect Commodity Price Behavior? (OCT 2008) - How Rapidly Are Oil Exporters Spending Their Revenue Gains? (APR 2006)
Publication date: November 2008
ISBN: 9781589067219
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Economics- Macroeconomics , International - Economics , Public Policy ,
