Using Digitalization to Enhance Public Finance in Kosovo: Republic of Kosovo

Kosovo has embarked on a journey of digital transformation, developing digital infrastructure to provide access to households, companies, and educational institutions and modernizing its public finance system through GovTech.
Volume/Issue: Volume 2025 Issue 006
Publication date: January 2025
ISBN: 9798400299735
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Topics covered in this book

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Labor , Public Finance , Digital Transformation , GovTech Solutions , Public Finance Management , E-Government , Cybersecurity , maturity index , using digitalization , cybersecurity risk , potential of GovTech adoption , Digitalization , Public employment , Cyber risk , Europe


Kosovo has embarked on a journey of digital transformation, developing digital infrastructure to provide access to households, companies, and educational institutions and modernizing its public finance system through GovTech. Digitalization and GovTech can facilitate Kosovo leapfrogging into advanced infrastructure and public service delivery. While Kosovo has achieved significant milestones—including nearly universal internet coverage and the comprehensive front-end e-Kosova portal—unconnected systems, relatively high consumer prices for digital inclusion, limited digital skills, and cybersecurity risks hinder the full realization of digital benefits.