Understanding Agricultural Output in Mozambique: Using remote sensing to initiate a discussion on development

Understanding Agricultural Output in Mozambique
Volume/Issue: Volume 2025 Issue 009
Publication date: January 2025
ISBN: 9798229000628
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Demography , Agribusiness , Mozambique , agricultural development , remote sensing , greenrevolution , poverty alleviation , remote sensing technology , satellite imagery , accuracy assessment , agricultural land usage , area estimation , Agricultural sector , Agricultural commodities , Agricultural production , Food security , Global


This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the agricultural land coverage in Mozambique by harnessing advanced remote sensing technologies and draws on successful agricultural development examples to propose strategic pathways for Mozambique. The study leverages Sentinel-2 satellite imagery coupled with a machine learning algorithm to accurately map and assess the country's agricultural land, revealing that agriculture accounts for only 12 percent of Mozambique's land area. By examining the agricultural transformation or “green revolution” that some countries have experienced, it is possible to distill regularities and necessary conditions, which can then be compared to the state-of-affairs in Mozambique. This study not only offers a model of how emerging technologies like remote sensing can inform agricultural state of affairs, it also provides important insights into which concrete bottlenecks are likely to be holding back Mozambique’s agricultural development.