The Political Economy of GovTech

Unlocking GovTech’s potential to disrupt development mechanisms and fuel growth requires aligning private and citizens’ interests. Success hinges on robust market structures, property rights, and regulatory oversight.
Volume/Issue: Volume 2023 Issue 003
Publication date: July 2023
ISBN: 9798400246500
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Topics covered in this book

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Economics- Macroeconomics , Economics / General , GovTech , citizen-oriented digitalization , modernization , accountability , personal data , private providers , market power


The digitalization of public services, known as GovTech, can disrupt traditional mechanisms to promote economic development (for example, financial inclusion, education, and health care), improve the delivery of public services, and expedite development objectives. For GovTech to be successful in enhancing the public sector's efficiency, transparency, and inclusiveness, its design and implementation require that private interests be aligned with the overarching goal of a “citizen-oriented” digitalization. Because the interests of the state and private providers are often antagonistic, the social dividends from GovTech remain contingent on implementing the appropriate market structure through adequate property rights and regulatory oversight.