Republic of Poland:Technical Assistance Report-Public Investment Management Assessment

Technical Assistance Report-Public Investment Management Assessment
Volume/Issue: Volume 2022 Issue 321
Publication date: October 2022
ISBN: 9798400222283
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Money and Monetary Policy , Public Finance , International - Economics , IMF's Fiscal Affairs Department , management institution , authorities of a Poland , D , investment allocation , public finance , Public investment spending , Infrastructure , Budget planning and preparation , Eastern Europe , Europe , Global


Public investment is expected to play a significant role in the post-pandemic economic recovery in Poland. Like other countries in the region, Poland lags more advanced European economies in the quantity and quality of its infrastructure despite significant progress in the last decade. The Government’s recent economic plan—the New Polish Deal—foresee an extensive economic and investment plan of which many investments will benefit from the large support from the European Union funds to scale up green, digital, and resilient investments. In this context, the public investment management assessment (PIMA) was conducted to assess strengths and weaknesses of infrastructure governance in Poland and identify potential bottlenecks for making the most of these investments in terms of quality of infrastructure.