Republic of Korea:Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Macroprudential Policy Frameworks and Tools

Financial Sector Assessment Program-Technical Note-Macroprudential Policy Frameworks and Tools
Volume/Issue: Volume 2020 Issue 277
Publication date: September 2020
ISBN: 9781513557014
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Past experience with financial crises places systemic risk oversight at the core of Korea’s approach to the financial system. The Korean authorities have amassed over a decade of experience with macroprudential policies. They have put in place rigorous and sophisticated processes for risk monitoring. They publish first-rate analysis. And they have actively developed measures to mitigate risks to the financial system—notably from FX exposures, and from household indebtedness—as circumstances have changed. But their system has evolved to be highly complex, which poses challenges for coordination, communication, and transparency; moreover, their toolkit needs to be extended. These areas should be the focus of efforts to strengthen the policy framework.