Peru: Technical Assistance Report-Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Stakeholder Engagement

Peru: Technical Assistance Report-CBDC Stakeholder Engagement
Volume/Issue: Volume 2023 Issue 358
Publication date: November 2023
ISBN: 9798400256172
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Finance , Money and Monetary Policy , International - Economics , CBDC project , stakeholder engagement , BCRP counterpart , CBDC journey , request of the Banco Central de Reserva del Peru , Central Bank digital currencies , Digital financial services , Payment systems , Infrastructure , Financial inclusion , Global


The goal of the mission was to continue to support the BCRP in its effort to research the conditions for success for a CBDC, as well as the role of various stakeholders. The IMF has been providing Technical Assistance to BCRP on the topic of CBDC since 2021. The initial TA mission supported the central bank during the first phase of the project, called the Preparation phase, which involved clarifying the context, key questions, and potential approaches to study a CBDC. The second phase of the BCRP’s CBDC project, known as the Proof of Assumptions phase, started with the publication of a paper by the central bank, supported by the current mission. The white paper outlined the context, goals and challenges related to a potential CBDC in Peru. Consistent with recommendations from the first mission, the BCRP recognized the need to focus on an initial engagement with stakeholders, including representatives of the banking sector, payment service providers, and the Fintech and technology sector.