Islamic Republic of Mauritania: Selected Issues

Islamic Republic of Mauritania: Selected Issues
Volume/Issue: Volume 2024 Issue 369
Publication date: December 2024
ISBN: 9798229000796
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Topics covered in this book

This title contains information about the following subjects. Click on a subject if you would like to see other titles with the same subjects.

Economics- Macroeconomics , Public Finance , Taxation - General , tax Potential , tax Effort in Mauritania , VAT revenue , revenue component , rates in Mauritania , Value-added tax , Corporate income tax , Tax administration core functions , Consumption taxes , Global


The paper examines domestic revenue mobilization in Mauritania and proposes strategies to enhance tax revenue collection to address fiscal sustainability challenges and finance critical investment projects. Despite recent progress, Mauritania’s tax-to-GDP ratio remains below that of its peers, constrained by a complex legal framework, numerous derogatory tax regimes, and inefficiencies in revenue administration. The analysis indicates that Mauritania could increase tax revenues by up to 3.4% of GDP in the medium term, thus reducing its tax gap by one-third. Key policy recommendations include reducing VAT exemptions, replacing corporate tax exemptions with cost-based incentives, reforming the personal income tax system, broadening the consumption tax base, simplifying tax procedures, managing tax arrears more effectively, and strengthening tax compliance.