Inflation and Bank Profits: Monetary Policy Trade-offs

This note explores the impact of inflation on bank profits amid recent monetary tightening. EMDE banks are vulnerable to inflation and interest rate changes. Central banks must balance rate hikes for inflation control against the risk of financial instability.
Volume/Issue: Volume 2025 Issue 001
Publication date: February 2025
ISBN: 9798400294723
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Inflation , Bank profitability , Monetary policy , Financial stability


Given the recent surge in inflation and the resulting sharp monetary tightening, this note asks whether bank profits are exposed to inflation. While most banks tend to match income and expense exposures, 5 and 8 percent of banks in Advanced Economies (AE) and Emerging Market and Developing Economies (EMDE), respectively, are vulnerable to changes in inflation and interest rates due to differences in risk management practices and business structures, with 3 and 6 percent of AE and EMDE banks, respectively, at least as exposed as Silicon Valley Bank at the onset of its failure. If losses at individual banks leave room for wider panics—despite needed improvements in bank regulation and supervision and other ex ante measures—central banks may need to weigh raising rates to contain inflation against the potential for financial instability.