How to Assess the Benefits of Nonperforming Loan Disposal in Sub-Saharan Africa Using a Simple Analytical Framework

The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, which has hit financial systems across Africa, is likely to deteriorate banks’ balance sheets.
Volume/Issue: Volume 2021 Issue 006
Publication date: June 2021
ISBN: 9781513583099
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Finance , Economics- Macroeconomics , Economics / General , Nonperforming loan disposal , Excel template , disposal strategy , raise capital requirement , loan portfolio , management cost , Nonperforming loans , Loans , Distressed assets , Financial statements , Collateral , Sub-Saharan Africa , Africa


The coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, which has hit financial systems across Africa, is likely to deteriorate banks’ balance sheets. The largest threat to banks pertains to their loan portfolios, since many borrowers have faced a sharp collapse in their income, and therefore have difficulty repaying their obligations as they come due. This could lead to a sharp increase in nonperforming loans (NPLs) in the short to medium term.