Developing a Risk-Based Compliance Improvement Plan for Customs Administrations

This note provides guidance to customs administrations’ senior managers and technical staff on how to develop a Compliance Improvement Plan (CIP), based on an Integrated Risk Management (IRM) approach, which can help them fulfill their core mandates and strategic objectives.
Volume/Issue: Volume 2025 Issue 002
Publication date: January 2025
ISBN: 9798400292675
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This technical note offers practical guidance to senior managers and technical staff in Customs administrations for developing a Compliance Improvement Plan (CIP) using an Integrated Risk Management (IRM) approach. It clearly outlines the components of a CIP based on IRM, explains what it entails for a Customs administration, and how to develop it step-by-step. Additionally, it underscores the importance of identifying and implementing tailored treatment measures for various trader segments, which is crucial for enhancing compliance levels. Furthermore, it emphasizes the need to identify key vulnerabilities within processes that may lead to the realization of risks, proposing appropriate strategies to address them. The note also highlights other critical factors that must be considered to ensure the effective implementation of a CIP.